Sunday, February 14, 2010


So this week I spent some time with X and my nephew Isaiah making Valentines. I cut out tons of hearts and different shapes and then let Max choose what he wanted to put on his Valentine and then he helped arrange it and put glitter on it. He really liked the arrows saying that they looked like "rockets." I've also included a video of my cousin (Isaiah's mom) who I live with. One night I was working on a Valentine and had all my supplies out and she got sucked into making a Valentine for Isaiah. The whole thing was pretty hilarious since Leilani is not a crafty person due to the fact that she gets WAAAYYYY to picky and anal about where things should be arranged and ends up stressed out and frustrated. I enjoy putting together cards and Valentines. Leilani on the other hand is tense and in pain majority of the time. So here is a video of her expressing her love and thanks for having been sucked into my fun. :)

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